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Includes neoprene cover and instructions
Any athlete knows the importance of a good respiratory technique and its role in sports performance.
Eolos is the perfect sports accessory for every athlete interested in adding the most essential component, breathing, in his training program.
It is an effective trainer of the breathing muscles, designed to specifically train the inspiring and espiratory muscles in the same breathing exercise.
It is designed to specifically train all muscles involved in breathing: Diaphragm, intercostal, abdominal and oblique.
Whatever your sports level, using Eolos Breathe Trainer will achieve:
- Increase air strength and resistance
- Increased lung capacity
- Train and improve respiratory technique
- Enhance respiratory muscles
- Maximize sports performance
- Reduce fatigue
- Better control breathing
- A more active way of life
Perfect for musicians, older people, athletes from Running, Montañismo, Skiing, Cycling, Diving...
Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits of a specific respiratory system training to strengthen breathing muscles and gain in lung capacity.
Following the 5x4 Training Formula, in a few days you will notice that your inspiring and espiratory muscles become stronger and lung function will improve:
With only 5 minutes daily training, in 4 weeks your lung function will improve significantly
Several studies show that this type of respiratory training can improve the following conditions:
- Chronic fatigue
- Heart/pulmon transplant patients (pre and post operation)
- Bronquitis
- Neuromuscular Diseases such as MS and Muscular Distrofia
- Cystic fibrosis
- Speech problems
- Emfisema
- Sleep Apnea
- Spina dorsal damage
- Congenital heart problems and acquired
- Snoring
- Asma
- Bronchiectasia
The Eolos training regime is based on resistance training series and consists of making two series of 30 complete breaths through the Eolos daily.
By training about 5 to 10 minutes daily, in four weeks your breathing muscles will be stronger, feel less tired and gain in resistance.
Eolos Breathe Trainer uses exclusively the highest quality medical materials for manufacturing.
This is the same material used by medical devices that meet the highest quality requirements.
Eolos Breathe Trainer is a drug-free product, 100% antioxide and silicone nozzle is 100% antiallergic.
Excellently hold the blows and pulls, it is resistant, lightweight and compact and is perfect to carry anywhere.
Each Eolos Breathe Trainer comes with a neoprene cover and instructions.
We believe that it is not at all necessary to have several product ranges (sports, performing arts, health...etc) and accessories (cleaners, cds, dvds or books with exercises, adapters...etc) in breathing coaches.
A single product must be supplied to all respiratory training needs, that is what is offered with Eolos Breathe Trainer.
A coach that provides effective results both if you are a sportsman, an artist in one of the performing arts or a patient of some ailment.
In other words, the philosophy behind Eolos Breathe Trainer is 'a single investment in a product that meets all your breathing training needs'.
A unique model with a universal regulator that allows you to choose the level of training resistance from a very smooth resistance to a really demanding level.
This point allows you to take full control over your training regime and thus achieve the goals that have been marked.
That makes it perfect for both patients with respiratory diseases and athletes and professional musicians.
The resistance level is adjusted simply by turning the regulator to the right or left.
The design of Eolos Breathe Trainer allows you to do the exercises even without having to hold it with your hands.
Each Eolos Breathe Trainer comes with detailed instructions.
The different exercises can also be downloaded from the web.
The silicone nozzle is 100% antiallergic and is designed to fit perfectly to your mouth and avoid tiredness, allowing a fully comfortable training.
Eolos Breathe Trainer's sturdy, compact and lightweight design makes it perfect to take you anywhere in your sports bag or in your instrument case.
With its weight, less than 50 grams, its size of only 13 centimeters and thanks to its protective case, it is a perfect product to carry it where you want.
It only needs water and some soap to keep it in optimal conditions.
No need to buy any special product to clean it that adds additional costs to your purchase.
Unlikely, Eolos offers the best quality/price ratio of the market.
Quality doesn't have to cost a fortune.
Used correctly Eolos can be used by virtually anyone and has no negative effects.
Very occasionally, however, there may be cases in which the creation of a large negative pressure on the chest can worsen some existing diseases.
If you are under medication, suffer from some disease (e.g.), or are not sure if Eolos will be appropriate for you, then you should consult with your doctor before starting breathing training.
Thus, unless your doctor says otherwise, you should not stop taking the other medications.
Eolos is made to complement existing treatments, not to replace them.
- Weight: 50 grams
- Size: 13 x 4 cm (5 1/4 inches)
- Includes neoprene cover and instructions
If you are looking for how to increase your lung capacity, how to improve your breathing or if what you are looking for is how to exercise your pelvic soil, you should keep reading. Improved lung capacity can help us improve our performance in certain sports, activities like music or even help people with asthma. If we know how to gain lung capacity, our lungs will be more efficient, giving us an extra we didn't have before. But not everything is sport, there is also the most intimate health. Perlvic soil exercises can help us to correct an abdominal diastasis or rectum diastasis. Combining Kegel exercises with exercises to strengthen our pelvic soil can provide us with extra health that we must take into account. There are many types of hypopressive exercises that can help us reduce intraabdominal pressure, helping to improve our postureal health, improve breathing and improve our metabolic and sexual health. The hypopressive abdominal gymnastics or GAH work the pelvic floor and the abdominal transverse through the inspiration and contraction of the abdomen, so they do not stop being a bit more “intensive” breathing exercises. This is why more and more therapists recommend the use of certain devices while improving hypopressive or abdominal gymnastics. Although at the beginning the most popular was the Winner Flow insuflator, today's day there are several spirometers or apparatuses to exercise the lungs how they can be EOLOS, ULTRABREATHE,POWERBREATHE or training masks or training masks. For price and performance we have stayed with the respiratory muscle trainers Eolos Breathe Trainer and Ultrabreathe lung exerciser. We've probably all heard or seen the winner flow on some occasion, but, despite that, it's not an artill that we can easily find if we haven't ever been forced to use it. The winner flow is a device that enhances muscle action of the expiratory musculature. It is practically indispensable in pelvic abdomino training. It is an insuflator made of hypoallergenic polycarbonate and placed in the mouth (between the lips, not between the teeth) to do certain exercises. The main quality of this device is that it allows to maintain a controlled and homogeneous expiration during the exercise. We should start using the winner flow by following the recommendations of an expert physiotherapist, in this way we will learn to introduce it into active work and regulate the intensity so that its effects are as positive as possible.
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